The cost of replacing the foundation under a wooden house

There are times when the foundation of a wooden house needs to be raised. This may be due to a deformed or destroyed foundation, or constant flooding of the building by precipitation. In these and other cases, owners are forced to resort to changing the height and structure of the base. Screw piles will help you raise the house and repair the foundation quickly and efficiently. These structures will strengthen the foundation and make the structure inaccessible to inter-seasonal flooding. As a result, your favorite home will improve its performance and significantly extend the service life of wooden walls. You can order the service of raising a wooden house onto a foundation by contacting, which specializes in the installation of new and reconstruction of old foundations. Our specialists have extensive experience in this area, which is confirmed by numerous reviews from grateful clients.

Call us or Request a call

How to pour a foundation for a standing house

Not everyone's home construction begins with laying the foundation. A large number of owners of private buildings bought a plot with an existing house, which was then renovated. But the first thing you need to do is figure out how to make a foundation for an old building, because the functioning of a house is impossible without a solid foundation. You can fill the old foundation to strengthen or restore it, as well as to insulate the house. This article will discuss how to lay a foundation for a standing house and what materials will be needed for this.

Rules for selecting a jack

After the preparatory work, it is also necessary to calculate the mass of the house, this will allow you to correctly calculate the lifting power of the jacks and their number

After the preparatory work, it is also necessary to calculate the mass of the house. This will allow you to correctly calculate the lifting power of the jacks and their number required to lift the building.

You need to calculate it this way:

Repairing the foundation under a wooden house

  • We calculate the volume of all the walls of the house in cubic meters and multiply by the density of the logs.

Important: the approximate density of a worn round log is 700-800 kg/m3.

  • To the resulting number add the mass of floors, beams, interior decoration and everything that was not dismantled/removed.

Having determined the mass of the structure that we will lift, we determine the number of jacks. Taking into account the fact that the house will be raised not from one corner, but from all sides for pouring a new foundation, it is necessary to prepare several jacks (from 4 to 6) depending on the length of the walls. Their lifting capacity should start from 5 tons each.

Important: placing jacks in the corners of the house in this case is not recommended, since it is the corners of the future foundation that need to be poured monolithically with a strong reinforcing belt. But jacks won't let you do this. Or use another method of raising the house, which we will consider below.

Creating a foundation under an old house

The procedure for installing a base under an old building consists of the following steps:

  • digging a trench near a building;
  • installation of formwork;
  • foundation reinforcement;
  • pouring concrete.

Such work is not very complex, so they can be handled without the involvement of specialists.

Digging a trench and installing a support

Experts believe that the optimal distance from the ground to the base of the building is one at which a person can easily fit lying on his back or stomach. To begin the procedure for preparing the site for the base, you will need the following tools:

It is necessary to climb under the building only if it has been decided to pour the foundation also under the internal walls of the house. If the building is small, then digging a hole for the base can only be done from the outside of the building and only along the perimeter. The depth of the trench should be approximately equal to two bayonets of a shovel.

In the resulting pit, it is necessary to install small supports at a given interval so that their lower part rests on the bottom of the pit, and the upper part rests on the base of the erected building. Wood pillars or reinforced concrete columns can be used as supports. With any choice, you will need to use waterproofing materials or special chemical mixtures that will help avoid rotting wood or damage to reinforced concrete structures. The width of the pit should be calculated based on the size of the supporting materials used.

After installing the supporting structures, you can proceed to constructing the bottom of the base. To do this, create a cushion of sand with a thickness of up to 15 cm. This depth is optimal and will allow the base to evenly distribute pressure on the soil and at the same time avoid its cracking.

Stone slabs can also be used as supports.

A good method for compacting sand is to wet it, but then you will need to wait for it to dry.

If the work needs to be done in a short time, you can use a manual tamper.

Creating formwork

Next, the formwork is installed under the building on the inside of the base. For this, low-grade plywood or wooden boards are most often used. In addition, you will need the following tools:

  • metal fasteners;
  • hammer;
  • saw for cutting material;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • screwdriver

Simply installing wooden material into the soil around the perimeter of the base will not produce high-quality limiters, since pouring the foundation will simply destroy them. In this regard, the formwork will need to be strengthened by installing additional stops or metal holders, which will ensure maximum efficiency when installed in the corners. You can hammer them in with a hammer or sledgehammer.

Also an important step is connecting the formwork sections. This procedure can be carried out using a screwdriver and self-tapping screws. In addition, a hole must be left in one of the sides of the base. It will be used in the future to pull out the installed formwork walls from the inside, since after strengthening the foundation it will no longer be needed there, but it may be useful for another similar procedure.

The formwork can be left in place altogether, but you need to be sure that the depth of groundwater will not rise and harm the structure. Otherwise, wooden materials will begin to rot and transfer moisture to the concrete base, and from there to the walls of the building. Moisture can also greatly damage the foundation of a building.

If the hole was created outside the foundation, it will need to be sealed decoratively. To do this, you can install a sash or plant a flower bed that will hide the hole.

Base reinforcement

After the installation of the formwork has been completed, you can begin to reinforce the base. This procedure will help strengthen the base and increase its strength. In some cases, when a foundation is being made for a finished house, this stage is skipped. But in order to increase the service life of the building, it is still recommended to perform reinforcement.

To increase the strength of the concrete base, you can use simple steel wire, various metal rods, and gratings. Some experts even use remnants of reinforcement that fit the shape of the dug hole.

After the reinforcement has been completed, installation of the outer sides of the formwork can begin. If there is any doubt that the formwork walls are completely sealed, you will need to stretch several layers of plastic film. This will help avoid pouring out the concrete mixture.

Pouring the base

Many people wonder how to add a foundation to an old wooden house. Fine crushed stone is poured into the existing pit. It will help the concrete solution to distribute evenly and fill all the cracks. Otherwise, voids may form, which will adversely affect the strength and service life of the foundation and the building itself. You need to carefully carry out the procedure for filling the base of an old house; you will need to monitor how the hole is filled and compact the solution as necessary.

Carrying out such a procedure is quite difficult, especially considering that there will be only a small hole between the house and the surface of the earth. Therefore, if you don’t have confidence in your abilities, there are other options on how to lay the foundation for an old wooden house.

In the following video you can see in practice how to lay the foundation for an old house.

Other foundation options for a wooden house

If it was decided to use another method to lay the foundation for an old house, you will need to use other materials. You need to prepare:

Tools will be used similar to those used in conventional foundation construction under a building. The usual method of laying a foundation under a building can take quite a long time, and the process itself is very labor-intensive. Instead, many professionals recommend creating simple brickwork, which is much easier to create and can be fitted tightly to the base of the house. With this choice, there will be no need to install formwork, reinforcement, or add concrete.

For old buildings, different types of foundations can be used.

In addition, this method of installing a base will require much less material, which is a good opportunity to save money. You can use bricks that have already been in use. Unattractive or damaged brick can be decorated with various building materials. For this purpose, you can use siding, tiles or artificial stone.

It would also be a good idea to put a dilapidated house on a pile foundation. It involves installing piles along the entire perimeter of the building directly under the base. Installation is carried out by methodically screwing the piles into the ground until they reach dense soil. Such columns are concreted near the base, after which you need to raise the house using jacks and lower it onto a new foundation. This type of basis is a good solution, and the work to create it can be done fairly quickly.

As can be seen from the article, a house without a foundation does not have the necessary strength, so its installation is still inevitable. Sometimes it also becomes necessary to add base, in which case it is necessary to raise the building. The procedure for laying the foundation for a built house can be performed in different ways, but all of them are not individual.

Calculator for calculating the cost of replacing a strip foundation

ATTENTION! The cost is indicated approximately for the region “St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region”; to clarify the price and for prices in other regions, call the numbers listed on the website. In St. Petersburg, the cost of this service varies greatly, because it depends on many indicators. The organization "DomUpgrade" carries out work on the reconstruction of the destroyed and outdated foundations of buildings, having previously made all the calculations and announced the required amount. Turnkey work involves including the necessary materials and procedures in the price. You don’t need to worry about anything - the company’s experienced employees will do everything quickly, accurately and with professionalism.

Service typeCost, rub.
Lifting the housefrom 5000
Dismantling the foundation plinth (m3)2000
Dismantling the lower part of the foundation (m3)2900
Development of earthen soil (lm)900
Installation of formwork (rm)1500
Reinforcement (lm)900
Concreting (lm)1500
Removal of formwork (rm)300

*The cost of work is indicated including VAT. **The visit of a specialist appraiser is FREE of charge upon conclusion of the contract. ATTENTION! The cost is indicated approximately for the region “St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region”; to clarify the price and for prices in other regions, call the numbers listed on the website.

Preparation for the start of work

If you plan to pour a foundation for a standing house, you need to prepare the following tools:

  • 4 jacks;
  • Wooden beams or metal fastenings. Their length must exceed the length of the house by at least 1 meter;
  • Metal or wooden supports on which the house will rest.

In addition, you also need to prepare a concrete mixer, 12 mm thick reinforcing bars, sand, crushed stone, and Portland cement grades M400 or M500.

Stages of work

The foundation for a standing house must be of high quality and reliable. And in order to carry out this work, you need to prepare a work plan, which includes the following points:

  • Digging a trench;
  • Installation of supports under the house using jacks;
  • Construction of the formwork system;
  • Foundation reinforcement;
  • The final stage.

Laying the foundation for a house

The work begins with digging a trench for the foundation. If you want to pour a foundation for the interior walls, then you will have to dig up a significant amount of earth to get under the house. The width of the trench being dug corresponds to the width of the installed supports.

When the trench is ready, 15 cm of sand is laid on the bottom, watered and thoroughly compacted. When the sand has dried, you can begin installing removable formwork from unedged boards. We install the boards along the edges of the dug trench and fasten them together with self-tapping screws. To ensure that the structure holds well, we secure the joints with metal posts.

To increase the strength of the foundation, we carry out reinforcement. For this work, we take a steel grate, metal rods or thick wire. We fasten all the elements together by binding or welding, which is more reliable.

The foundation for a standing house is a responsible job and you can’t do it without helpers. Now it's time to begin finishing work on the foundation. We fill the trench with fine crushed stone, and then concrete mortar prepared from:

  • 1 part Portland cement;
  • 3 parts sand;
  • 2 parts crushed stone.

The components are thoroughly mixed in a concrete mixer and then poured into the formwork. In this case, it is necessary to additionally lay several reinforcing bars at the bottom and top of the formwork. Next, we wait until the concrete solution sets well and hardens, we take out the formwork and fill the vacant space with earth.

We cover the finished foundation with two layers of roofing felt for better waterproofing. After this, we gradually lower the house raised on jacks to its original place, while pulling out the support beams one by one very carefully. Your home should sit firmly on the new foundation.

Before laying a foundation for a standing house, be sure to check the bearing capacity of the soil, as it plays an important role in the strength of the entire structure. Remember that at least a month must pass from the moment the concrete is poured until it is loaded. Filling is carried out at a temperature not lower than +5 degrees.

And lastly, never save on building materials for the foundation, since you will have to deal with low-quality material or incorrect work in the near future. And it will be a shame for wasted money and time.

Ways to jack up a house

So, if there is only one jack and its lifting power corresponds to the weight of the house, then you can lift the building a little on each side

To pour a new foundation, you only need to lift the house with a jack. This method is quite effective and, although it takes more time, unlike lifting the building with a crane, it causes less damage to the structure itself.

You can raise the building with your own hands step by step from each side or simultaneously from all sides.

  • So, if there is only one jack and its lifting power corresponds to the weight of the house, then you can lift the building a little on each side. To do this, install the device at the designated point of the house and raise the building by 2-3 cm. Place a support under the resulting space and move to another lifting point. This way you can raise the building to the desired height.

Important: this method is quite dangerous, because with minor differences in height, the walls of the house may not withstand the load and simply break. Especially when you consider that the height difference in the crown area of ​​1-2 cm at the level of the ridge is already 5-6 cm.

  • Another way to raise a house is to work simultaneously on all sides. In this case, the jacks are installed along the long walls of the house, retreating 60-70 cm from the corners into the wall. If the crown logs are sufficiently worn out and the wall is more than 4 meters long, then additional jacks can be placed in the middle of the walls. In this case, the work must be carried out synchronously, raising the frame by 3-4 cm at a time. In this case, each stage of lifting is secured with support beams or pillars. This method of raising a house is effective and less dangerous for both the log house and the craftsmen.

How to properly pour a foundation for an old wooden house - step-by-step instructions

Sooner or later, any foundation under a house has to be changed or repaired. The house begins to change its position, cracks may appear, and windows and doors jam. All these signs indicate the need for repair or complete replacement of the foundation. In this article we will try to tell you how to properly pour a foundation for an old house without compromising the integrity of the structure. After all, only competent and correct work will give you a guarantee that your house will stand firmly for many more decades. However, in order to take on this matter with confidence, you should carefully understand all the intricacies of this process.

Material and tools required for work

To repair or replace the foundation, it is not always rational to use special construction equipment, and fitting it to the house without damaging other buildings and planting garden crops can also be problematic. Therefore, it is important to know what tool you may need during the upcoming work and prepare it in advance:

  1. Jacks. At least 4 pieces. They can be of any design, but it is preferable to use hydraulic ones. When choosing them, it is important to take into account that they must lift a load weighing at least 10 tons, therefore, they must be able to develop sufficient force. If you don’t have them in stock, then it would be wiser to rent them than to spend money on purchasing them;
  2. Sledgehammer, steel crowbar or jackhammer;
  3. Wedges of various sizes;
  4. Temporary supports, which can be used as bricks, massive beams, durable boards of various thicknesses, metal beams or chocks;
  5. Panels made of beams or boards measuring at least 250 square meters. cm, which will serve as the basis for the jacks;
  6. Steel plates about 5mm thick. so that the force from the jack rod is evenly transmitted to the lower crowns of the building;
  7. Concrete mixer. It will be needed to prepare cement mortar. If the volume is large, this will be difficult to do manually;
  8. Reinforcement, the thickness of which will be at least 12mm;
  9. Materials for mortar: cement, crushed stone and sand. Their number depends on the size of the foundation;
  10. Waterproofing materials.

The order of work and the features of each stage

Replacing the foundation or repairing it does not accept haste and haste; everything must be thought out to the smallest detail. Before starting work, it is necessary to find out the bearing capacity of the soil and the depth at which groundwater lies.

Neglect of these parameters will lead to the fact that the new foundation will quickly become unusable, since it will be subject to strong pressure from the frozen soil. Based on the data obtained, a calculation is made of the depth of the foundation and the features of its installation.

Scheme of pouring the foundation for a house

Lifting a house from its foundation

In order to avoid problems at this stage, you need to start work by making supports for the corners of the house. They begin lifting the house from the most sagging corner. Using two jacks, evenly understand the angle on both sides.

It is recommended to raise the angle no more than two centimeters, otherwise multiple cracks may occur. Every 5mm. When lifting, blocks are placed to protect against malfunction of the jack.

Raising the corner of the house from the foundation. 1 - lower crown of the frame, 2 - lever made of boards, 3 - support for the lever, 4 - old foundation

  • On the outside of the house there will be a jack on the inside, a support made of bricks. To do this you will have to lift the floorboard;
  • The jack and support should be installed as close to the foundation as possible, this will reduce the load on the lever. Don’t forget to lay out a brick platform under the base of the jack;
  • A metal channel or beam can serve as a lever for raising the corner of the house;
  • We begin lifting with slow movements of the jack handle. The main thing here is to prevent the outer end of the lever from sliding off the jack platform, so every 2-3 pumping check whether everything remains in its place;
  • After raising the corner, it is necessary to place supports in the resulting gap. They must be placed on stable surfaces.

Pricing and labor intensity of the task

The price of work for raising a house depends on the type of house and its height.


1. Raise a 6x6 frame house with exposed floors and without internal supports - from 35,000 - 45,000 rubles

2. Lifting a timber house or a 6x6 log with exposed floors and without internal supports - from 40,000 - 50,000 rubles

3. The presence of a veranda, porch and other outbuildings – + 7,000 – 13,000 rub.

4. Availability of nearby groundwater – + 7,000 – 13,000 rub.

More details in the table below:

Cost of work: replacement of the lower crowns and floor.

Name of worksUnit measured PriceName of worksUnit measured Price
Replacement crowns timber 150x150m linearfrom 1000rReplacement of crowns timber 200x200m linearfrom 1400r
Replacing the crowns of timber 250x250m linearfrom 2000rReplacing log crownsm linearfrom 1500r
Dismantling the floor and joistsm2from 100rInstallation of logsm linearfrom 200r
Floor installationm2from 600rBeam for logsm3from 8500r
Edged boardm3from 8500rBattenm2from 600r

Cost of work: repair of foundations, raising of the house.

Name of worksUnit measured PriceName of worksUnit measured Price
Dismantling foundation walls. 0.4m m. linearfrom 1000rConstruction of a blind area 0.8m wide with work and materialsm linear3500rub
Dismantling foundation walls. 0.6m m linearfrom 2000rPouring the foundation with a pump (excluding pumping station)m3from 1000r
Replacing the foundation with a pile-beam foundation, pile diameter 0.25m, widening 0.52m, depth 1.8mm linearfrom 7200rPouring a foundation without a pumpm3from 2500r
Replacing the foundation with a “grid” h plinth 0.6 m, tape width 0.4 mm linearfrom 7200rSurface drainage device with a trench depth of 0.8 mm linear4000rub
Repair, strengthening of the foundationm linear5000rConcrete M300m3from 3500r

The difficulty of lifting an old log house onto its foundation lies in the danger of the work.

If the owners of the facility have taken care of the preliminary stages of preparation in advance, then the work will be easier, faster and more reliable.

It is recommended to evaluate the object completely - the visible problem is not always the only one.

The approximate price of additional work is as follows: Lifting and leveling a blocked corner - from 9,000 rubles

Raising/leveling the wall of a large house - 20,000 rubles. Dismantling of house cladding - from 200 rubles m2. Raising a house up to 40 cm – price without additional factor. Lifting up to 1 m – price with additional charge. coefficient + 100%. Raising a two-story log house - from 100 thousand rubles.

The cost of each process depends on the scale of the work, full or partial lifting, and the architectural features of the building. It is more expedient and more economical to order a full range of services for raising the house, restoring or replacing the old foundation.

Our website presents a number of log house projects, for example: Or you can see all prices for log houses. You can calculate the house or bathhouse you need with maximum accuracy using our log house cost calculator. To order and buy a log house, call:

  • Vologda
  • Moscow,


-3 Igor
It is necessary to raise the bathhouse by 50cm.



+1 dom

No question, raising the bathhouse will cost 100,000 rubles excluding consumables.



-9 dom

No question, raising the bathhouse will cost 100,000 rubles excluding consumables.



-1 Irina

How much does it cost to raise a house on new 4x4 frame piles?



-1 dom

The cost of raising such a house is 50,000 rubles with all consumables.



+1 Olga

Good time! And approximately how much does it cost to raise a frame-panel house (“Canadian”). Part of the house collapsed.



    Good afternoon, send a photo of the house with dimensions and we will determine the cost of the upcoming work.



-2 dom
Yes, we can raise a frame house, the approximate cost with all consumables is 100,000 rubles




Hello, I need to raise the house by 40 cm. Just raise it and add the required number of blocks. I'm interested in the price. I'm in the Lipetsk region.




To evaluate the upcoming work, send an e-mail to [email protected] photographs of the house and exactly the problem areas that need to be addressed, also describe the upcoming work, we will evaluate them and send a detailed response.



-3 Leo

It is necessary to raise a 6x7m log house to a block height of 30 cm. The log house stands on a strip foundation. the soil is peaty. There is a Russian stove tied to the foundation. 2-storey house - second floor board and lining roof - slate Please estimate the cost



+1 Vlad

It is necessary to slightly raise (support) one side of the bathhouse to replace one rotten beam in the first crown (length 6 m). How much is it?



    Good afternoon, such work will cost 80,000 rubles including consumables.



+1 Dmitry
Good afternoon, tell me how much it will cost approximately to level the house (one side has sank by about 7-8 cm). The house is a five-wall log house, approximately 5 x 9. And replace the old foundation (brick strip) with a concrete strip?




Hello, replacing a brick plinth with a concrete strip will cost 300,000 rubles including labor and materials + leveling, but you need to look at the leveling and determine the cause of the subsidence; a specialist visit costs 5,000 rubles.




Tell me, a house without a foundation, five walls, 6 by 8, how much will it cost to raise one side because the foundation has settled?



    +3 dom
    Hello, a 6x8 log house, a 3.0m high log house without a foundation and without assembly will cost RUR 252,000



Good afternoon! One corner of the house is tilted down by about 15cm. How much will it cost to raise one side?



    Hello, leveling a 15 cm blockage of this type will cost 100,000 rubles including work and materials.



+1 Vladimir
Hello, please tell me how much it will cost to raise an 8x8 house and pour a strip foundation. The house is old without a foundation and the lower crowns are rotten up to the windows. Preferably full price.



    Good afternoon, strip foundation 8x8 format in four walls, depth 1.5 m, base height 0.7 m, strip width 0.4 m, cost including work and materials - 200,000 rubles



-3 dom
Good afternoon, you need to look, because the stove may stand, like in old houses, on the floor and it will have to be dismantled, or maybe on the foundation, which is unlikely, completely replace the crowns up to the windows + disassemble the floors and reassemble them, without this there is no way , everything with work and materials will cost 500,000 rubles




Good afternoon, for clarity and understanding, send a photo of the house subsidence and we will calculate the cost of repair work for you.



+1 Sergey

Hello! Please tell me approximately how much the work will cost along with the material, shallow strip foundation 6*7. House 2020



    +3 dom
    The cost of a foundation with a tape width of 40cm is 117,000 rubles including work and materials.



    +1 Sergey

    Thanks for the answer. What are the dimensions of the foundation? Width 40, depth, height? And how long does it last?



We need to raise a bathhouse with an 8x9 veranda and add a crown down, he said it might cost




Good afternoon, describe the situation and send a photo of the house and the crowns that need to be changed, also indicate whether there is a brick oven in the house and what it stands on on the floor or foundation, whether the house has a floor, windows, whether the house is sheathed inside and outside with clapboard or board. These points need to be known to evaluate the work ahead.



-1 dom

Please send by email -



+1 Oksana

How much will it cost to replace the 4 lower crowns of an 8*8 house, and replace the foundation around the perimeter



    The cost of work and materials to replace the 4 lower crowns and replace the foundation with a strip foundation with a base height of 0.6 m, a width of 0.4 m, a depth of 1.5 m - 500,000 rubles



-2 Andrey Alexandrovich
Good afternoon! It is necessary to raise the house by 300 mm. The 6x6 house consists of a 4x4 timber room with a stove on the floor, 2 external rooms 2x4 and 2x6. The foundation is pile cuttings. Loam. How much will the work and materials (concrete slabs) cost? There is no need to raise the veranda. It will be rebuilt. Cherepovets.




Hello, when lifting a house, you need to dismantle the stove, since it is on the floor, and the floor and beams need to be removed, we can only lift the timber house, if the porch is framed, then it needs to be dismantled and reattached, in general, lifting a 4x4 timber house by 30 cm with filling a strip foundation and a blind area 0.7m wide will cost 7,000 rubles. 1 linear meter 4x4 = 16, 16 x 7,000 = 112,000 rubles is pouring the foundation; if a blind area is needed, it is done additionally at the rate of 3,500 rubles per linear meter, i.e. 19 linear meters x 3500 = 66,000 rubles, additional work - dismantling and removal of the brick oven - 20,000 rubles, removing the floor and beams - 6,000 rubles, removing the exterior of the house - 6,000 rubles. Total – 210,000 rub.



-2 Oleg

Good afternoon. Country house 4 by 5. The first floor is timber, the second is clapboard. Stands on a columnar foundation (concrete blocks). It didn’t lead anywhere, it didn’t fail. You need to raise it by 30 cm and add blocks to the finished pillars. How much will such work cost?



+1 dom

Good afternoon, if I understand you correctly, you need to raise a 4x5 house by 30 cm, which stands on pillars made of concrete blocks and you need to put additional blocks on the existing pillars, that’s it, the work will cost 50,000 rubles, material: blocks, mortar..., you provide You.




You are raising a wooden house in Tyumen.



    -1 dom
    Good afternoon, we are located in Vologda, but we can also come to Tyumen if the salary amount is sufficiently satisfactory, so we can calculate the upcoming work and make a decision.



-1 Marina
Good afternoon. Village house, built in the 70s, 6*6. Stands on a columnar foundation. It is necessary to change 3-4 lower crowns and do something with the foundation. Can you give me an approximate price for the work and what materials will be required?



    +1 dom
    Good afternoon, the cost of replacing 4 crowns along the 6x6 perimeter, provided that there are 4 walls and there is no cutting inside - 192,000 rubles with our consumables, the cost of dismantling and pouring a strip foundation for a 6x6 frame: width 0.4 m, height 0.6 m - 180,000 rubles with our consumables. Add. work - dismantling the floor and beams - 10,000 rub. Total: 382,000 rubles, ready to start soon, +7(903)2431051 Alexander.



Good afternoon! The house is log, covered with siding, 2nd floor is attic, area of ​​the 1st floor is 85 sq.m. The house has a complex shape: with extensions and bay windows, which were added later. The basement had no vents and was not ventilated. The logs and subfloor were rotten. The foundation (foundation blocks and bricks) seems to be strong, without damage. It is necessary to replace the logs, possibly replacing the lower crown. Approximate price and time frame for completing the work?



    -2 dom
    Good afternoon, replacing beams and flooring means black, white, insulation, hydro vapor insulation will cost 1000 rubles per 1 m2 excluding the cost of the material, replacing the lower crown will cost 2000 rubles per 1 linear meter taking into account the material - timber 150x200.




    Good afternoon! How can I contact you for a more specific discussion?



+1 Anna
Good afternoon. Tell me the cost of raising such a 6*6 house without removing the floors, to the height of the block. Stands on blocks, assembled from 45mm boards.



    Hello, raising such a house will cost 1 cm - 1,000 rubles, respectively 60 cm - 60,000 rubles



-1 Andrey
Hello! We urgently need to raise a house made of 9×12 timber. The lower rims are rotten almost throughout the entire perimeter. The foundation is strip. There are foundation pillars under the house. They fell apart. It is necessary to pour the foundation in their place. The foundation is shallow. The lower crowns have been pressed through, so the floor is inclined. Raise the house by 50 cm. An even larger veranda. Please tell me the price. Thank you!



    +1 dom
    Hello, replacing the foundation will cost 8,000 rubles per linear meter, including work and materials, replacing the lower crown with a 200x200 beam will cost 2,000 rubles per linear meter.



Good afternoon. I have a 6x4.5m bathhouse made of sawn logs. You need to raise it by 40 cm using columns of blocks without disassembling. Please tell me the price. New Moscow.



    -1 dom
    Good afternoon, we can lift it, you just have to dismantle the floor, otherwise there is no way, the cost of lifting your bathhouse is 40,000 rubles + laying the foundation - 7000 rubles per 1 linear meter, this is the cost together with work and materials.



Hello Ruben! it is necessary to build a new foundation for the bathhouse (log house 3x5, frame extension 2x5) and replace one log in the lower crown, install logs. Please tell me how much the turnkey work with materials will cost!



    Good afternoon, send a photo of the bathhouse and foundation, indicate the dimensions, indicate where the bathhouse is located and we will calculate it for you.



-1 Savvaty
Hello, how much will it cost to install a two-story five-wall 9x5 on a strip foundation



    -1 dom
    Good afternoon, a 9x5 log house made of hand-cut logs with a diameter of 26 cm, four walls, a height of 6.0 m, cutting into a bowl, will cost 595,000 rubles, free delivery anywhere in the Moscow region, assembly of the log house 250,000 rubles



Good afternoon. It is necessary to lift and install a screw foundation with an I-beam on the extension to the house. The size of the extension is 6*5 frame. At the moment, the extension is on blocks, the blocks have sagged, the main house is on a strip. From floor to ground 30 centimeters.



    Good afternoon, please send a photo and detailed technical specifications to [email protected] I will study the upcoming work and contact you.



Hello. Is it possible to replace a columnar foundation with a strip foundation and what is the price? Frame house, 9x9 with veranda.



    Hello, yes, it is possible for 1 linear meter at a price of 9000 rubles, taking into account all consumables.



Raise by 50-60 cm



    Raising an average house RUR 2,000 1 cm up, 60 cm – RUR 120,000



Vladimir M.
Good afternoon. It is required to pour a shallow strip foundation under a finished house (log house 6*9) standing on stilts without lifting and install an insulated blind area. Do you perform such work and what is the cost?



    The cost of pouring the foundation is 8500 rubles per 1 linear meter along with work and materials.



-1 dom
It all depends on the size of the perimeter of the house, in general the elevation of the house is included in the calculation - 2000 rubles per 1 cm is the base price, but there are nuances that can lead to an increase in price.



+1 Evgeniy

Hello! sent data to The following work needs to be done (Bekasovo municipality): raising the house (on a 9x9 tape + veranda 5x3) with leveling the walls; dismantling and installation of the floor (black and base with insulation); Replacement of beam strapping 150x150; laying blocks 0.2 x 0.4



    Thank you, we'll do the math



Good afternoon! Please tell me the cost of replacing the foundation, the plinth height is 50 cm and the depth is 60 cm under the next house, the drawing is in the attached file. Old foundation under all walls. Thank you.



    Hello, the cost of replacing the foundation is RUB 9,000 per linear meter, including labor and materials.



+1 Maxim
Good afternoon. Log house 6500x5000. Link to the project: interior finishing done. It stands on a shallowly recessed ribbon. It is necessary to raise the base on blocks by 1.5 meters to create a vegetable storage area under the house. Yaroslavl region, Pereslavo-Zalessky district, Nagorye village. Price? Please send your answer by email.



    Good afternoon, raising the house by 1.5m will cost 300,000 rubles + install a concrete strip 9000 rubles for 1 linear meter



Hello. Please tell me how much it will cost to raise a house 6 by 6, 4 walls and pour a strip foundation. The house is 1st floor of logs, 2nd floor is made of boards, the roof is covered with slate, the lower crowns are rotten. It stands on some 4 blocks, they have almost completely sunk into the ground.



    Good afternoon, raising the house will cost - 2000 rubles per 1 cm, pouring a strip foundation - 8500 rubles per linear meter, taking into account the material, additional work - dismantling the floors - 300 rubles per 1 m2.




    And if you make a columnar foundation for a 6*6 house and raise it by 40 cm, as I understand it, you need to put 8 tables, how many will cost.



Good afternoon! The corner of the bathhouse has collapsed, it is necessary to replace the blocks with a tape foundation. Please guide by price. Orekhovo-Zuevsky district.



    +1 dom
    Good afternoon, send introductory notes to my email, also send a photo of the house and foundation, indicate the dimensions



-1 Alexey,
if you make a columnar foundation for a 6*6 house and raise it by 40 cm, as I understand it, you need to put 8 tables, how many will cost.



    Good afternoon, send introductory information to my email, also send a photo of the house and foundation, indicate the dimensions of the house.



The house needs to be leveled and the foundation replaced. The house began to collapse. Log house 1959 the buildings. The terrace on the right was added later. At what temperature outside is it possible to perform work?



    +1 dom
    Good afternoon, send introductory information to my email, also send a photo of the house and foundation, indicate the dimensions of the house.



Good afternoon. Please advise on price. We want to put a frame, two-story house on a pile foundation. House 9.5x8m. Now the dos is standing on blocks.




Good afternoon How much will it cost to raise the roof of the house by 30-50cm? Roof 6*10m, wooden, broken, covered with andulin! The walls are foam block with armored belt.



    Hello, the cost of lifting is 150,000 rubles



Good afternoon. On 02/29/2020 I sent a photo of the house with a request to estimate the possible cost. Orient?




Good evening. It was necessary to raise a 7x2 change house, a 7x3 covered veranda was attached to it and 2 5x3 rooms were attached to the end. The total area is 50 square meters with a tail. There is no common harness. I'm interested in a columnar foundation, the base should be reinforced, the base will be concreted and a cushion will be made.



    Call us let's chat



Good afternoon! It is necessary to replace the foundation with a pile foundation under a 6*8 frame house. How much will it cost to work with the material?



    Call us let's chat Alexander



-1 Konstantin
Raise the house without opening the floor onto a surface support columnar foundation (sand cushion slab 5 cm plus FBS pillar 40*40*40 4 blocks) 12 supports. house 1st floor 6*6 frame 50mm block weight up to 10t. Two pillars are inside the perimeter and the rest are at the edges. The house is assembled according to the principle of cabins: 4 “skis” made of 100*150 timber, on them there is a solid platform on joists, and on top there are walls. All the materials are there.



    Call us let's chat Alexander



Hello. The foundation of the summer house in the country began to float. How much will it cost to solve this problem?



    Call us let's chat Alexander



Good afternoon, tell me approximately how much it will cost to put a house on a new foundation? Standing on a hill, the foundation was washed away by the current after the winter



    Call us let's chat Alexander



+1 Vitaly
Tell me approximately how much it will cost to raise a 4x5 beam bathhouse on a screw foundation



    Call us let's chat Alexander



Hello. 5x4 frame, on stilts, the corner is falling, how much can it cost to level the house?




Hello, a 3x5 log sauna is on the ground, how much does it cost to raise it on blocks or a strip foundation and re-lay the floors?



-1 Dmitry

Hello, how much does it cost to raise a log bathhouse on the ground, on a strip foundation, re-lay the floors, remove the bottom crown? Moscow region, size 5 by 3




How much does it cost to replace the foundation of a frame house?



    Call me and I’ll explain Alexander



There are several tasks: move the log house away from the fence under the log house over the entire area, dig a basement 1 m deep and raise the log house 1.5 meters above ground level. If you are pouring a foundation and building a basement, how much will all operations cost separately?



    Please call me and I’ll tell you everything +79032431051



Good afternoon, I’m interested in the cost of raising a bathhouse, a 3x3 log house, a 2x3 dressing room, a frame on outriggers on a strip foundation, it stands on rolls.



    +1 dom
    Unfortunately we do not lift frame structures



Hello, could you tell me how much it costs to repair the fifth wall; How much does it cost to replace floor joists; How much does it cost to replace the bottom rows of a house? How much does it cost to replace jams?




Hello, Can you please tell me how much it costs to replace floor beams at home? How much does it cost to renovate the fifth wall? How much does it cost to replace the bottom rows of a house? How much does it cost to replace jams?



    Please call us and we’ll discuss everything +79032431051



Thank you very much for the excellent advice!



+1 andrey

please tell me the cost of the work to raise a 6 by 6 timber house and make screw piles under it



    1. Raise a 6x6 frame house with exposed floors and without internal supports - from 35,000 - 45,000 rubles

    2. Lifting a timber house or a 6x6 log with exposed floors and without internal supports - from 40,000 - 50,000 rubles

    3. The presence of a veranda, porch and other outbuildings – + 7,000 – 13,000 rub.

    4. Availability of nearby groundwater – + 7,000 – 13,000 rub.



+1 Sergey
Good afternoon! How much will it cost to raise one corner of an attached porch? The floor sank by about 15-18 cm.



    Unfortunately we don't raise the corners



-1 Svetlana
Good afternoon! please tell me the approximate cost of the work. We need to raise a house in the Yaroslavl region, Myshkin. The house is 6x8, very old, somewhere in the early 20th century. You need to put it on the foundation, notice the lower crowns.




Good afternoon please tell me the approximate cost of the work. We need to raise a house in the Yaroslavl region, Myshkin. The house is 6x8, very old, somewhere in the early 20th century. You need to put it on the foundation, notice the lower crowns.



    Dear, call +79032431051 I will give detailed advice



Hello. Tell me, how much will it cost to replace a lower log 6 meters long?



    Replacing a lower log 6 meters long will cost 25,000 rubles



Vladimir And
Good afternoon, please tell me the cost of replacing the floor in an extension to a house made of logs; the lower rows of the common wall of the extension and the house have rotted; three rows are as if the house is standing on the ground without a foundation.



    Good afternoon, call me and I’ll tell you



How to make a foundation for an old house without a foundation

Residents of private houses are very often faced with the problem of carrying out constant preventative and repair work, which allows the existing building or several buildings on the site to serve for a long time and conscientiously. Almost no season can go by without patching up the roof, painting the fence, or strengthening the foundation. Of course, an initially well-built foundation will last for several decades before requiring repairs.

However, not everyone makes a home from scratch. And not everyone’s construction of private property begins with laying the foundation. The fact is that a significant part of summer residents and residents of suburban settlements often buy a plot with an old house on it, which is restored over time. And this matter is extremely complex. The very first question is how to make a foundation for an old house. After all, without a foundation, even a veranda cannot function, not to mention a living space.

A new foundation is poured not only in cases of its absence, but also to strengthen the existing or dismantled foundation, to improve the appearance of the building, to insulate the space directly under the house (basement, subfloor, ground floor) and in many other cases.

What does replacing the base with screw piles give to a wooden structure?

Wood is an environmentally friendly natural material that provides comfortable living in the summer heat and severe frosts. Wood retains heat well and allows walls to breathe. But if used improperly, mold can form on the wood, which leads to its rotting. This is especially true for the lower crowns of the building, because they are the ones who experience the flow of rainwater, temperature changes and the colossal pressure of the entire building. This has a detrimental effect on the wood material and leads to its deformation.

Raising the foundation of a wooden house will solve the problem of wood damage, because when using screw supports, the height of the base depends only on the wishes of the customer. As a result, the tree will be ventilated, which significantly increases its service life. In addition, replacing the base with a pile-screw one by raising the foundation of a wooden house will improve the structure and give it a new look. The pile-screw foundation is not afraid of soil heaving and loose soils. After all, the support, going deep into the bowels of the earth, passes through all the unfavorable layers of the soil and ensures the strength and stability of the foundation.

Installation under an old house

Diagram of a strip foundation for a house.

A very successful option for organizing an old house is when the distance from the ground to the base of the house allows a person to easily fit while lying on his stomach or back (this is necessary for repair work). In this case, you need to dig a trench from the outside of the house being finished, the depth of which should not exceed the bayonet of a shovel. After some distance, we install small supports under the base of the house. They can be wooden posts or reinforced concrete columns. The width of the trench must be equal to the width of the supports used. After the trench around the entire perimeter of the house is ready, a sand cushion approximately 10-15 cm thick needs to be poured onto its bottom. This will be enough so that the created foundation evenly loads the soil and does not crack under the weight of the house standing on it.

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