Lecture 7 Continental platforms (crotons). Foundation and cover, their relationship. Main structural elements: shields, slabs, anteclises, syneclises, aulacogens. - presentation
Foundation Foundation (lat. fundamentum) - a building load-bearing structure, part of a building, structure that accepts everything
Foundation for a shower in the country - a brief overview of different types of structures
February 17, 2020 Stroyexpert Home page » Foundation » By construction project Foundation for
Foundation - the basis of the house
Choosing the best foundation for a house for all occasions
Choosing a foundation for a country house or country house can be a serious problem for a novice builder.
Calculator for calculating the amount of concrete for installing metal fence posts
A columnar foundation is a system of pillars located at the corners of the structure, at the intersection of load-bearing
The nuances of building a foundation for a bathhouse with a drain
January 25, 2020 Stroyexpert Home page » Foundation » By construction site Water drainage
Inverted bowl foundation: pros and cons, dimensions
Features of a slab-strip foundation Layout of a monolithic slab-strip foundation: soil; sand and gravel cushion; geotextiles; footing; waterproofing;
Which foundation is better on chernozem soils? Which foundation is better for a house made of aerated concrete on black soil? What brick to use for the foundation
The key factors when choosing a foundation and its depth are as follows: Type of soil. Freezing depth
Pillow for the foundation - types and advantages of each
Construction of a house begins with laying the foundation. Since a monolithic slab is subject to deformation and premature
Prefabricated strip foundations: GOST reinforced concrete slabs for their arrangement, technical specifications
GOST 24476-80 Prefabricated reinforced concrete foundations for cross-type frame columns for multi-storey buildings. Specifications
The starting point for the construction of any building or structure is the foundation. The selection of foundation type is carried out
Columnar-grillage foundation: calculation and construction
A distinctive feature of private housing construction is the ability to choose the type of foundation. Very often the preferred base option
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